Monday, August 16, 2010

Welcome to Purposed Learner, a Searching For Our Legacy Blog. The school year is about to start, TOMORROW! It is a new journey for me, tomorrow I report to my new campus at Bailey Junior High in Arlington isd for the first time. I already have an appointment with my department chair at 9:30 a.m. and I will be teaching 8th grade American History on the Odyssey team. This week I spend time discussing planning and projects for the new school year.

I am nervous and excited. I am sure all of us feel that way when we enter a new environment. I am excited for the new campus, new tradition, new people, and nervous about the upcoming challenges. I am most nervous about my schedule. For the past five years I have worked with 70 to 90 minute class time slot. This year I begin with a 55 minute class slot. That is going to make HAVE TO BE more efficient with my time. So, How important will planning be? The most.

My strategy for planning this year:
  • Respect the "Holy Time"
  • Create a to do list for conference time
  • Be ahead of the game and have a goal in mind
  • NO procrastination
  • Have a sense of urgency
I also plan on putting in some new projects this year. They are projects that I have been putting off for a while.

  • Read or Re-read a professional development book each month.
  • Post a picture to Daily Booth everyday of the school year (177 pictures student days and 187 without.)
  • A weekly entry to PurposedLearner.
  • Coordinate the Bailey and HFS Student DC Trips
So, here we are down to the final day of summer. Tomorrow is day one of the plan. EXECUTE, EXECUTE, AND PRAY. Hope for all my fellow teachers beginning a new school year. Do Well.