Monday, June 20, 2011

Extending the school year through Social networking

          The school year has already come to an end. I have already packed up my room and Lila Grace came four weeks early. My first year at Bailey was a success and I have maintained my scores and created some EPIC learning experiences. Well, that is according to my students and preliminary scores. I have always looked for that extra learning experience that reaches more students.  I really would love to create an opportunity that reaches the student who I identify as the students that education an learning keep missing. I have come up with a social experiment for the summer and I hope it continues through the school year.

          The idea behind the project comes after reading a book called Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell.  He discusses the issues of poverty, education, and the length of the school year.  It is a great read and an eye opener for understanding how public education in America is so different from the rest of the world.

          I also follow Eric Langhorst, author of the Speaking of History learning log.  Eric is the 2010 State of Missouri Teacher of the year and teaches 8th grade American history in Liberty, MO.  Mr. Langhorst blogs and podcast on issues that cover using technology, and social networking for the learning environment.  His lessons and podcast extend his teaching of American History beyond the classroom walls.

         Another great innovative teacher I follow is Jeff Utecht, an international teacher and is currently teaching in Thailand.  He is  the author of the blog The Thinking Stick, and recently published, Reach: Building Communities and Networks for Professional Development. 

          My new idea is not innovative but it is creative.  I have decided to use twitter to reach beyond the walls of room 211.  My students spend countless hours using social media. Why not use it to widen the walls of learning.  Using twitter to create learning content will definitely push the walls.

So far the experiment is going well.  Here are my goals and ideas for using twitter:

Purpose:  Create an extended learning experience beyond the classroom for students and parents.
  1. Goal:  Use twitter to help with classroom management and discipline 
  • For example:  Let's say "Rebecca" is a regular classroom disruption in class.  Why not wait for the opportunity when Rebecca is participating or just did something that deserves praise.  TWEET IT!  Convince your parents at the beginning of the year to follow you and when they see that tweet:  "Rebecca is an Awesome team player!!!" and then give her praise again at home.  I am sure your discipline is going to drop and participation is going to increase.
    2.  Use twitter to create a learning light.  "Like a moth to a flame" The idea is to get students to come  to my twitter site for learning experiences not just to get simple information like test dates, and social event reminders.  Twitter is a great new tool for teaching.
  • For example: Link videos, podcast, and photos that will not only enrich their learning experience but encourage the student to seek learning for themselves
My ideas for the summer are: 

Use twitter:
  1. Regular updates, create contest with prizes to drive students to the site,  use not only history content but other core subjects and humanities. 
  2. Guide students to student focused apps. and tools online
  3. Update a reading log
  4. Prizes would drive learning like:
    1. movie tickets
    2. Food gift cards
    3. Ice-Cream
    4. Tickets to UTA Omni
    5. Dino Rock Passes
    6. Rangers tickets
If you have any ideas how I can create more learning with twitter please comment.

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