Monday, June 27, 2011

Tweet This!

I have been using Twitter this summer as a social experiment for the classroom.  I have done two competitions so far. The first competition I created was based around the New Release of "The Green Lantern" and this was the question:
Which American figure would have the greatest superhero powers, and what would they be? Best answer wins tickets to see Green Lantern.
I had very little participate but the winning answer was quite witty and very insightful:
Alexander Hamilton-The power to create a force field around his body. Sadly, it malfunctioned when he got shot in the face.
I have used it to repost quotes, data, pictures, wierdfacts, and other statements made by twitterers such as: @usmission, @smithsonian, @cnnstudentnews, and other SS based groups/people.
My second competition I am giving away two Texas Rangers tickets and I am only trying to build a database of students who attend my school.  I would love to drive more of my future students as well as my previous students to my twitter site but I am finding difficulty.
I am not discouraged I am going to keep pushing video of the week, word of the week, and all of my other little ideas.
I am still reading Jeff Utecht's book Reach and it discusses twitter in there and I want to see how he uses it for learning.  Next objective is to use my google docs account to create a survey to see who all uses twitter and measure that to the people that have followed me.
I am getting excited to see what my summer end result will be and as always: Make Good Choices, Do Great things!

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