Saturday, June 25, 2011

Should Outreach Programs be Supporting Public Schools? Or The Other Way Around?

This past week I, and few other men from my church went and fed a few volunteers and teachers at Fortress Youth Development Center.  Teachers, substitutes, and volunteers love food, especially free food.  Better than that, they love free food that comes with a thank you.  Let me tell you a little about what Fortress is:

  •          Fortress Ministries was established in 1996 as an inner-city church outreach, serving the needs of Fort Worth’s Near Southeast residents and homeless population. Reaching out to the neighborhood with hot lunches, a food pantry, clothing giveaways, and a Sunday worship service, it soon became clear that there was a need for an after-school program as well.  The homeless community was being served very adequately by other nonprofits in the area, but it was clear that the children of the Near Southeast side needed more. Specifically, they needed social and academic resources that would help them overcome the trap of generational poverty and grow into productive adults. After much prayerful consideration, Fortress reorganized in 2005 and incorporated as Fortress Youth Development Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
          The first time I stepped into Fortress was long before it became a youth center.  Seeing the students and the teachers work with kids from pre-k to secondary was breath taking.  They were doing the same work I was doing for less pay and in much more difficult circumstances.  The thought of knowing that when I send a student home at 4:00 every monday through friday and they have a support system like fortress is so comforting.
         So, What are we doing to make sure that programs like Fortress are being developed through out the city?  What as educators are we doing to support our community?  As you can see the community is already stepping up to support us.  Sometimes, sorry, most of the time we are to consumed with our campuses, and districts to see that are communities are getting involved.
          These Outreach programs are key to the success of our students.  Especially our economically disadvantaged students.  Learning is a 24-7 verb.  It is being created all the time.  Yep, think about it.  Learning is something that is created!  So, learning needs to be an on purpose activity in your everyday planned life. 
          One way is to support your local youth development centers.  Help them, Help you!  Get out there and be active in learning.  Your school year doesn't end at the beginning of summer.  It now becomes harder for you to teach.  Help your students environment expand beyond the classroom walls you teach in. 

         I hope you will get a chance to make an awesome choice in learning this summer.  Make Good Choices, Do Great Things!!

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