Thursday, June 7, 2012

Learning to Coach

This summer I will be coaching my son's U4 soccer team.  It wasn't what I had planned but it kind of fell on me the first practice.  I was expecting to teach my son how to play soccer and had already started doing some research on how to coach under 4 soccer.  It was completely different than coaching or teaching junior high students.  So far this is what I have learned:

1.)  Toddlers just want to have fun
2.)  With all sports keep them active and learning: every game should keep each player touching the ball as much as possible.
3.)  Have two major rules and go from there
      for our u4 soccer it is no hands and listen to coach
4.)  Keep practice short: four year olds get tired quick. So get the kids moving with the ball quickly.
5.) find an expert: I used soccer help online and their videos on YouTube
6.) plan the growth: don't expect to have soccer stars after your first game or practice. See where the kids are at and compare that to the end I the season.
7.) pay attention to your own kid: Benjamin is struggling with me giving other kids one on one attention. I still haven't figured this one out. I do recognize that I am doing this for him.
8.) pray God is always with you and teaching

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