Saturday, June 9, 2012

Time Filled with Family

Today is a Saturday and I failed to plan out the day for the family. It would normally be filled with birthday songs but Jill is in another state today on a business trip. We started the day at 6:30 A.M. with oatmeal, bananas, waffles, and milk. From there we went to Benjamin's soccer game. I can tell you this, U4 soccer is way more intense than any World cup qualifier. I knew we had to take Lila home for a nap after the game but after that I failed to plan. Luckily, Lila fell asleep until 12:30 and Ben watched Mulan and a classic Duck Tales. I took a nap on the couch while Ben watched tv on top of my back. When we woke up we went to McDonalds for a late lunch. Ben made a ton of friends and we were there for two hours plus. Lila is now going up and down the playground slides. We then went to Academy Sports to replace our soccer goals for the third time. We then headed home to the pool and a late afternoon nap for Lila. Benjamin's best friend and family came over for a dip and dinner. Once dinner was over we played and watched Duck Tales. Now I am getting ready for Church tomorrow and for Jill to come home.

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