Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Missed Opportunities

What a Unique opportunity to be able to experience the Venus transit of the Sun.  I MISSED IT!  I found out about it around 7:54 and the sun is still shining bright until 8:47.  I was not prepared to see this once in a life time spectacle.   Attempting to view the sun directly during the transit of Venus without the right equipment can be dangerous, much like during a solar eclipse. But for those with the right tools had an opportunity to see it.  I searched for a quick way and tips to watch the eclipse but everything I found, I failed to have the equipment.  

So, What I learned is:  Be Searching for Missed Opportunities.  I know that sounds weird but if you are looking for learning opportunities you will first start with your interest.  It kind of places you in tunnel vision.  What I am going to start looking for:

1.)  Read more
2.) Take Notes
3.) Document what you find interesting
4.) Check out what is on city, and other venues calendars.
5.) Learn how to google better
6.)  Create new relationships

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